Tabs make it easy to explore and switch between different views.
Tabs organize and allow navigation between groups of content that are related and at the same level of hierarchy.
Item One
<Box sx={{ borderBottom: 1, borderColor: 'divider' }}>
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="basic tabs example">
<Tab label="Item One" {...a11yProps(0)} />
<Tab label="Item Two" {...a11yProps(1)} />
<Tab label="Item Three" {...a11yProps(2)} />
<TabPanel value={value} index={0}>
Item One
<TabPanel value={value} index={1}>
Item Two
<TabPanel value={value} index={2}>
Item Three
Experimental API
offers utility components that inject props to implement accessible tabs
following WAI-ARIA authoring practices.
<TabContext value={value}>
<Box sx={{ borderBottom: 1, borderColor: 'divider' }}>
<TabList onChange={handleChange} aria-label="lab API tabs example">
<Tab label="Item One" value="1" />
<Tab label="Item Two" value="2" />
<Tab label="Item Three" value="3" />
<TabPanel value="1">Item One</TabPanel>
<TabPanel value="2">Item Two</TabPanel>
<TabPanel value="3">Item Three</TabPanel>
Wrapped labels
Long labels will automatically wrap on tabs. If the label is too long for the tab, it will overflow and the text will not be visible.
aria-label="wrapped label tabs example"
label="New Arrivals in the Longest Text of Nonfiction"
<Tab value="two" label="Item Two" />
<Tab value="three" label="Item Three" />
aria-label="secondary tabs example"
<Tab value="one" label="Item One" />
<Tab value="two" label="Item Two" />
<Tab value="three" label="Item Three" />
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="disabled tabs example">
<Tab label="Active" />
<Tab label="Disabled" disabled />
<Tab label="Active" />
Fixed tabs
Fixed tabs should be used with a limited number of tabs, and when consistent placement will aid muscle memory.
Full width
The variant="fullWidth"
prop should be used for smaller views.
This demo also uses react-swipeable-views to animate the Tab transition, and allowing tabs to be swiped on touch devices.
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} centered>
<Tab label="Item One" />
<Tab label="Item Two" />
<Tab label="Item Three" />
Scrollable tabs
Automatic scroll buttons
By default, left and right scroll buttons are automatically presented on desktop and hidden on mobile. (based on viewport width)
aria-label="scrollable auto tabs example"
<Tab label="Item One" />
<Tab label="Item Two" />
<Tab label="Item Three" />
<Tab label="Item Four" />
<Tab label="Item Five" />
<Tab label="Item Six" />
<Tab label="Item Seven" />
Forced scroll buttons
Left and right scroll buttons be presented (reserve space) regardless of the viewport width with scrollButtons={true}
aria-label="scrollable force tabs example"
<Tab label="Item One" />
<Tab label="Item Two" />
<Tab label="Item Three" />
<Tab label="Item Four" />
<Tab label="Item Five" />
<Tab label="Item Six" />
<Tab label="Item Seven" />
If you want to make sure the buttons are always visible, you should customize the opacity.
.MuiTabs-scrollButtons.Mui-disabled {
opacity: 0.3;
Prevent scroll buttons
Left and right scroll buttons are never be presented with scrollButtons={false}
All scrolling must be initiated through user agent scrolling mechanisms (e.g. left/right swipe, shift-mousewheel, etc.)
aria-label="scrollable prevent tabs example"
<Tab label="Item One" />
<Tab label="Item Two" />
<Tab label="Item Three" />
<Tab label="Item Four" />
<Tab label="Item Five" />
<Tab label="Item Six" />
<Tab label="Item Seven" />
Customized tabs
Here is an example of customizing the component. You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.
🎨 If you are looking for inspiration, you can check MUI Treasury's customization examples.
Vertical tabs
To make vertical tabs instead of default horizontal ones, there is orientation="vertical"
Item One
Note that you can restore the scrollbar with visibleScrollbar
Nav tabs
By default, tabs use a button
element, but you can provide your custom tag or component. Here's an example of implementing tabbed navigation:
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="nav tabs example">
<LinkTab label="Page One" href="/drafts" />
<LinkTab label="Page Two" href="/trash" />
<LinkTab label="Page Three" href="/spam" />
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="icon tabs example">
<Tab icon={<PhoneIcon />} aria-label="phone" />
<Tab icon={<FavoriteIcon />} aria-label="favorite" />
<Tab icon={<PersonPinIcon />} aria-label="person" />
<Tabs value={value} onChange={handleChange} aria-label="icon label tabs example">
<Tab icon={<PhoneIcon />} label="RECENTS" />
<Tab icon={<FavoriteIcon />} label="FAVORITES" />
<Tab icon={<PersonPinIcon />} label="NEARBY" />
The following steps are needed in order to provide necessary information for assistive technologies:
- Label
. Tab
s need to be connected to their corresponding[role="tabpanel"]
by setting the correctid
An example for the current implementation can be found in the demos on this page. We've also published an experimental API in @material-ui/lab
that does not require
extra work.
Keyboard navigation
The components implement keyboard navigation using the "manual activation" behavior. If you want to switch to the
"selection automatically follows focus" behavior you have pass selectionFollowsFocus
to the Tabs
component. The WAI-ARIA authoring practices have a detailed guide on how to decide when to make selection automatically follow focus.
The following two demos only differ in their keyboard navigation behavior. Focus a tab and navigate with arrow keys to notice the difference, e.g. Arrow Left.
/* Tabs where selection follows focus */
<Tabs selectionFollowsFocus />
/* Tabs where each tab needs to be selected manually */
<Tabs />