Badge generates a small badge to the top-right of its child(ren).
Basic badge
Examples of badges containing text, using primary and secondary colors. The badge is applied to its children.
<Badge badgeContent={4} color="primary">
<MailIcon />
<Badge badgeContent={4} color="secondary">
<MailIcon />
<Badge badgeContent={4} color="error">
<MailIcon />
Customized badges
Here is an example of customizing the component. You can learn more about this in the overrides documentation page.
<IconButton aria-label="cart">
<StyledBadge badgeContent={4} color="secondary">
<ShoppingCartIcon />
The badge auto hides with badgeContent is zero. You can override this with the showZero
<Badge color="secondary" badgeContent={0}>
<MailIcon />
<Badge color="secondary" badgeContent={0} showZero>
<MailIcon />
<Badge badgeContent={99} {...defaultProps} />
<Badge badgeContent={100} {...defaultProps} />
<Badge badgeContent={1000} max={999} {...defaultProps} />
Dot badge
The dot
prop changes a badge into a small dot. This can be used as a notification that something has changed without giving a count.
<Badge color="secondary" variant="dot">
<MailIcon />
<Badge color="secondary" variant="dot">
Badge overlap
You can use the overlap
prop to place the badge relative to the corner of the wrapped element.
<Badge color="secondary" badgeContent=" ">
<Badge color="secondary" badgeContent=" " variant="dot">
<Badge color="secondary" overlap="circular" badgeContent=" ">
<Badge color="secondary" overlap="circular" badgeContent=" " variant="dot">
Badge alignment
You can use the anchorOrigin
prop to move the badge to any corner of the wrapped element.
vertical: 'top',
horizontal: 'right',
Unstyled badge
The badge also comes with an unstyled version. It's ideal for doing heavy customizations and minimizing bundle size.
import BadgeUnstyled from '@material-ui/unstyled/BadgeUnstyled';
<StyledBadge badgeContent={5} overlap="circular" sx={{ mr: 2 }}>
<BadgeContent />
<StyledBadge badgeContent={5} variant="dot" overlap="circular">
<BadgeContent />